Hi there 👋

My name is Puya.
It is my corner in the cyberspace.

I know everyday a little bit more about computers, and build my knowledge on top of the following academic cornerstones:

  • BSc. in Computer Hardware Engineering from QIAU
    • My BSc thesis was about HW/SW codesign on Intel FPGA platforms.
  • MSc. in Computer Science and Engineering from Politecnico di Milano.
    • In PoliMi I followed Sound and Music Engineering as my main track of studies but
    • my main research oriented around computer architectures
    • I did my master thesis in High-level synthesis “A hybrid autotuning framework for performance optimization of heterogeneous systems”
  • Currently I am PhD student in Saarland University
    • working on High Perfromance Computing and compiler infrustructures for high-level synthesis on FPGAs

Let me say a few lines about my work experience:

In a nutshell, I have experienced the life of an instruction from finger tips of a programmer until physical layers of transistors.
Also, orchestrated instructions for processing signals via cyber-physical systems. Moreover, I harness wild HPC monsters.

Some of my previous positions include:

And some of my skills are: